Added Care Plus provides 24 hour "Sign-And-Go" towing and roadside assistance (up to $100 per occurrence). Benefits include towing, flat tire change (with your good spare), battery jump, out-of-gas fuel delivery (maximum 2 gallons), lock out service (i.e. keys locked in car or frozen lock). Towing assistance will only be dispatched for mechanical disablement which renders the vehicle inoperative. The plan will cover towing and roadside assistance in instances where it is not covered by the factory warranty.
Added Care Plus provides a $45 first day rental allowance in the event your covered vehicle requires any mechanical repairs or maintenance service at a participating dealership.
Added Care Plus will pay up to $45 a day for a maximum of five days ($175 maximum) anytime a covered component described in your Plan Provision or Basic Chrysler Warranty fails, rendering the vehicle inoperable and in need of overnight repairs. Car rental allowance coverage is not provided where loaner vehicle coverage is provided by the warranty or the dealer. The rental car must be obtained from a dealer or from a licensed rental agency. Rental coverage is subject to state and local laws and those imposed by the rental agency. Chrysler is not responsible for any refusal of a rental agency to rent a vehicle to you.
Added Care Plus will pay up to $1,000 for lodging, meals and transportation expenses in the event your covered vehicle encounters a mechanical breakdown while you are 100 miles or more away from home.
Added Care Plus provides a range of specialty services via a 1-800 phone call. A quick toll-free call provides immediate 24-hour assistance for the following:
- Directions Assistance–providing trip route guidance (mapping, approximate drive time and mileage) and driving "Turn-by-Turn" directions to most cities and towns across the U.S.
Lodging reservations.
- Location & listings of restaurants and other businesses.
- Airline Information–Available flights, times and fares.
- Even updates of major news, sports scores and weather reports.
Added Care Plus for New vehicles provides coverage for up to three (3) key fob repairs or replacements (with a total maximum coverage benefit of $600). Key fob coverage is available even if this component is not operable or recoverable. And, this coverage is not subject to the deductible that applies to repair visits for covered components. This coverage is not included with pre-owned vehicle plans.
A service contract can make your vehicle more valuable and easier to sell. Remaining plan coverage may be transferred to the subsequent purchaser of the vehicle at the time of vehicle sale. Added Care Plus allows you to transfer your extended warranty one time in the event you sell your vehicle (a transfer fee of $50 applies in most states).